The River Ara Dog Services Logo

To balance the intellectual demands of writing and editing, I need dogs. Living with dogs since childhood, I began offering dog services in April 2022. Since then, I have focused on walking, training, and caring for dogs with behavioural and anxiety disorders. Typically unable to partake in off-leash group walks, these dogs require the unwavering attentiveness of an experienced, patient, and physically capable trainer. Offering private, on-leash walks for dogs of all breeds and most temperaments, I prioritize safety and positive behavioural development by working at any given time only with a single client's dog(s). Nothing is as rewarding to me as watching reactive or nervous dogs become comfortable and happy outside, and I hope to become a regular part of your dog's life.

Geographical Limits

Serving Northwest Calgary.

The majority of my clients are located in Rocky Ridge, Royal Oak, Citadel, Tuscany, Scenic Acres, and Silver Springs.

If you live outside northwest Calgary, we may still be able to work together, and I do have clients in areas such as Wentworth, Bowness, and Downtown Calgary. However, as I must account for travel time and vehicle costs, the prices below do not apply beyond northwest Calgary. To inquire, please contact

Dog Walking

Private walks for your dog(s) only. Photography included.

These rates include taxes.

30-Minute Walk:

One Dog - $24

Two Dogs - $28

Three Dogs - $32

Includes at least one photo of each dog.

45-Minute Walk:

One Dog - $32

Two Dogs - $36

Three Dogs - $40

Includes at least one photo of each dog plus one group photo.

1-Hour Walk:

One Dog - $40

Two Dogs - $44

Three Dogs - $48

Includes at least two photos of each dog plus two group photos.

In-Home Dog Sitting

Private care for your dog(s) only. Walks & photography included.

These rates include taxes.

If you will be travelling and require in-home care for your dog, then I offer the following services for one dog at the base rate of $100 per day:

    • Overnight sitting at your home from 6 pm to 9am;
    • Feeding and administering of medications;
    • Three half-hour walks (occurring morning, afternoon, and evening).

I charge $20 per day for each additional dog. If you have other species of pets, then we will discuss further services and rates as suit your needs.

No additional charges apply for weekends or holidays.

I prepare my own food and do not require use of your kitchen or food supplies.

Payment & Cancellation Policy

Cash or e-transfer to are the two methods of payment that I accept.

For dog walking, I issue weekly invoices on Fridays and require payment before Monday.

If a payment is late, I cease walking a client's dog until the outstanding account is cleared. Thereafter, I require prepayment on a weekly basis for further walks.

For in-home care, I require a retainer of 50% for the total booking duration, which is due one week prior to the first day of services. Upon completion of services, the remaining 50% payment is due on the next Friday at 5 pm MST.

For the cancellation of an individual walk, I require a minimum of 48-hours' notice. I reserve the right to charge the full amount for any walk cancelled with less notice.

For the cancellation of in-home care that has yet to occur, I require a minimum of 48-hours' notice in order to provide full refund of the retainer. Where a client cancels prior to the outset of services but without 48-hours' notice, I am entitled to one day of pay from the retainer. Where a client cancels during the course of services, I am entitled to full compensation for all services rendered plus one day of pay.


The River Ara Dog Services

Google Reviews

If you have questions, please contact me at 403-333-1930 or

All brand art owned by The River Ara Paper and created by Lizardelic.